Definition of angle of depression formula

Angle of depression refers to the angle formed between the horizontal line of sight and the line connecting the observer to an object that is below the observer's line of sight. In other words, it's the angle that is formed when you look down at an object from a higher position.

The angle of depression has a wide range of applications in fields such as surveying, navigation, and astronomy. In surveying, it is used to determine the height of buildings, towers, and other structures. In navigation, it is used to determine the position of ships and planes. And in astronomy, it is used to determine the position of celestial objects relative to the observer.

The angle of depression is an important concept because it allows us to calculate the distance between the observer and the object being observed. However, there is a difference between angle of elevation and angle of depression.

By knowing the angle of depression and the height of the observer, we can use trigonometry to calculate the distance to the object. This information is useful in a variety of applications, from determining the height of a building to finding the location of a ship at sea.

Angle of depression formula

The formula for angle of depression is given by:

θ = tan^-1(d/h)


θ is the angle of depression

d is the distance from the observer to the object

h is the height of the observer above the object

The formula uses the tangent function (tan^-1) to calculate the angle of depression based on the ratio of the distance between the observer and the object (d) to the height of the observer (h).

It's important to note that the angle of depression is always measured from the horizontal line of sight, and that it is always less than 90 degrees.

Related: Learn about angle of depression in triangles.

Explanation of Variables

θ (angle of depression)

This is the angle that is being calculated in the formula. It represents the angle formed between the horizontal line of sight and the line connecting the observer to the object being observed. It is expressed in degrees.

d (distance from observer to object)

This variable represents the distance from the observer to the object being observed. It is used in the formula to calculate the ratio of distance to height, which is then used to calculate the angle of depression.

h (height of observer above object)

This variable represents the height of the observer above the object being observed. It is used in the formula to calculate the ratio of distance to height, which is then used to calculate the angle of depression.

It's important to note that the variables d and h are directly proportional to each other - as the distance between the observer and the object increases, the height of the observer above the object must also increase. This relationship is reflected in the formula, where the height and distance are used together to calculate the angle of depression. You can also use angle of depression formula calculator to calculate it free online.

Use cases of angle of depression formula

Here are some real-world scenarios where the angle of depression formula is used:


The angle of depression is commonly used in surveying to calculate the height of objects such as buildings, towers, and monuments. Surveyors measure the angle of depression from a known height, such as a hill or a tall building, to determine the height of the object being surveyed.


The angle of depression is used in navigation to determine the position of ships, boats, and other vessels. By measuring the angle of depression from the ship to a lighthouse or other landmark, navigators can determine their position and plot a course.


Astronomers use the angle of depression to determine the positions of celestial bodies, such as stars, planets, and moons. By measuring the angle of depression from a known position, such as the Earth, astronomers can calculate the position of these objects in the sky.


Geologists use the angle of depression to determine the height of cliffs, mountains, and other geological formations. By measuring the angle of depression from a known position, such as a riverbed or a valley floor, geologists can calculate the height of these formations.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Here's a step-by-step guide for using the angle of depression formula:

Step 1

Measure the distance from the observer to the object. This distance can be measured using a tape measure, rangefinder, or other appropriate tool.

Step 2

Measure the height of the observer above the object. This height can be measured using a tape measure, ladder, or other appropriate tool.

Step 3

Substitute the values of distance and height into the angle of depression formula:

θ = arctan(h/d)

Step 4

Solve for θ using a calculator or mathematical software. The result will be the angle of depression, expressed in degrees.

Real Example

Example: An observer is standing on a hill that is 200 meters above the ground. The observer wants to determine the angle of depression to a building that is 500 meters away.

Step 1

Measure the distance from the observer to the object: d = 500 meters

Step 2

Measure the height of the observer above the object: h = 200 meters

Step 3

Substitute the values into the formula: θ = arctan(200/500) = 26.57°

Step 4

Solve for θ: The angle of depression is 26.57°.

Related: Read this blog to learn more about angle of elevation and depression examples.

Related Formulas

Here are some related formulas that are commonly used in conjunction with the angle of depression formula:

Distance Formula

The distance formula is often used in conjunction with the angle of depression formula to determine the distance between two points. The formula for distance is:

d = √(x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2

Right Triangle Formula

The angle of depression formula is often used in conjunction with the right triangle formula to calculate the height of objects. The right triangle formula states that the square of the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides.

Trigonometry Formulas

The angle of depression formula is a basic trigonometry formula that is based on the ratios of the sides of a right triangle. By understanding the relationships between the sides of a right triangle, you can use trigonometry to solve a wide range of problems related to angles, distances, and heights.