Cylindrical Tank Surface Area Calculator






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Introduction to Cylindrical Tank Surface Area Calculator

The tank surface area calculator is an online tool that calculates the area of a cylindrical tank. It uses the area formula to calculate the total area covered by the bottom and curved area of a cylinder. It takes the base radius and height of the cylinder as input from the user.

In geometry, the surface area is a crucial point in explaining the geometrical properties of different shapes. Since the cylindrical tank is a 3D shape, the surface area cannot be calculated as 2D. So here we introduce a tool that can easily handle this 3D shape.

The formula used by Surface Area of Cylindrical Tank Calculator

The surface area of a cylindrical tank is defined as the total space covered by the cylinder's bottom surface and curved surface. It can be calculated by using the radius and height of the cylinder. The surface area calculator uses the following formulas to calculate the surface of the cylindrical tank;

  1. For the top surface area,
  2. $$ A_T \;=\; πr^2 $$
  3. For the bottom surface area,
  4. $$ A_B \;=\; πr^2 $$
  5. For lateral surface area,
  6. $$ A_L \;=\; 2πrh $$
  7. Total surface area is calculated by adding top surface, bottom surface and lateral surface area,
  8. $$ A \;=\; A_T \;+\; A_B \;+\; A_L \;=\; πr^2 \;+\; πr^2 \;+\; 2πrh $$ $$ A \;=\; 2πr(r \;+\; h) $$

Where r is the radius and h is the height of the cylinder.

How to use a Cylindrical Tank Area Calculator?

It is easy to calculate the cylindrical tank area by using this surface area of cylinder calculator. Follow these steps to use the cylindrical tank surface area calculator.

  1. Enter the radius of the cylindrical tank in the "Base Radius" box.
  2. Now enter the height of the cylinder in the "Height" box.
  3. You can also use the load example option to use already fed values.
  4. Click on the calculate button.

After clicking the calculate button, you will get the total surface area of the cylindrical tank along with the top, bottom and lateral surface area.

Why use a Cylindrical Surface Area Calculator?

A cylinder is a three-dimensional shape, so we cannot use the formulas used in a two-dimensional form. Many students use the area formula to calculate a cylinder's surface area because they get confused. Therefore, they always feel the need for any external help. The tank surface area calculator can be helpful for them instead of using a key book or doing it manually.

Geometry is a branch of mathematics that studies dimensional objects' shapes, sizes, and positions. You cannot make a grip on it until clearing concepts about geometrical properties. The surface area is one of the tools that explain the geometrical properties of the cylinder. It would be helpful if you used the surface area of the cylinder calculator.

Benefits of using the Cylindrical Tank Calculator

The surface area refers to the total space occupied by the cylinder. It can be calculated by the cylindrical tank surface area calculator easily because it gives you results in a few seconds. So, you don't need to figure it out manually.

Some benefits of this calculator are:

  • Surface area of cylindrical tank calculator can calculate the cylinder's surface area and the top, bottom, and lateral surface area.
  • You can use it anytime without paying any fee to find the surface area of cylindrical tank
  • Surface area of a cylinder calculator is reliable because it can compute error-free calculations.
  • You can practice with many examples using this tool.
  • It can also be used in chemical experiments where the surface area has some visible effects on the investigation.


How to find the surface area of a cylindrical tank?

You can find the surface area of a cylindrical tank by using the following formula;

$$ A \;=\; 2πr(r \;+\; h) $$

Where r is the radius and h is the height of the cylinder.

What is the surface area of a cylindrical tank?

The surface area of a cylindrical tank is defined as the total area of space occupied by the tank. It is the sum of all top, bottom and lateral surface area.

Alan Walker

Alan Walker

Last Updated June 02, 2022

Studies mathematics sciences, and Technology. Tech geek and a content writer. Wikipedia addict who wants to know everything. Loves traveling, nature, reading. Math and Technology have done their part, and now it's the time for us to get benefits.