Grams to Moles Calculator






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In chemistry calculations, the unit of all values must be the same. So unit conversions are a necessary step in analytical calculations. A chemist must know these conversions to carry out precise calculations. Usually, the mass of a compound is given in moles or grams. So there is always a need to convert grams to moles and vice versa. Grams to moles calculator is here to help you carry out accurate conversions without any hassle.

What is a Mole?

Mole is the SI unit of mass of a molecule, compound, or atom. One mole of a molecule contains a 6.02x1023 number of particles. One mole of each compound consists of an equal number of particles. The concept of mole helps to calculate the molecular mass of a compound.

Why use Grams to Moles Formula Calculator

Grams to moles calculator is an online tool for grams to mole conversions. One can use it the other way to convert moles to grams. The mass of a compound is usually given in either grams or moles. For example, if you are given the mass of a molecule in grams but your calculation requires the mass in moles then you can use the grams to moles converter to easily get the mass in moles. Doing these conversions by hand is such a hassle. Converting grams to moles becomes very easy with this calculator and it saves a lot of your time.

How to Convert Grams to Moles?

There is a simple conversion method to convert grams to moles and vice versa. The following formula is used as the conversion relation; n = m/M (where; n is the number of moles, m is the mass given in grams, and M is the molecular mass of the compound). The molecular mass of all atoms is given in the periodic table. In the case of compounds or molecules, we calculate the molecular mass by adding the individual masses of the included atoms. After calculating the molecular mass, the final step is to put values in the formula and find the answer.

Example to Converting Grams to Moles

Let’s calculate the number of mole of CO2 in 454g of CO2:

Step 1: Calculate the molecular mass of CO2 with the help of a periodic table.

Hint: C = 12 , O = 16

Molecular mass of CO2 = (12) + (2x16)

Molecular mass of CO2 = 44g/m

Hence, one mole of CO2 weighs 44g.

Step 2: Apply the conversion formula.

n = m/M

n = 454g/44gmol-1

n = 10.3moles

Thus, 454g of CO2 is equal to 10.3 moles of CO2.

You can also use this formula to convert moles to grams as well. But hey, don’t be addled by this long method. You have got this calculator for converting grams to moles with accurate and fast conversion of units. So don’t worry and use this miraculous tool.

How to use the Grams to Moles Converter?

Following are the simple steps to use the grams to moles calculator:

  • Enter the given mass of the compound (in grams).
  • Calculate the molecular mass of the compound using a periodic table.
  • Enter the calculated molecular mass of the compound.
  • Now press the “calculate” button to get your answer.

Grams to moles calculator is a fast and easy-to-use tool. It saves the user from any additional hassle during important chemical calculations. Grams to moles conversions are also done while making solutions or balancing the equations. Mastering these grams to moles conversions can help you in many calculations e.g., calculating the mole fraction.


Converting grams to moles are usually done while making solutions or balanced equation problems. The mass of a compound is usually given in grams and you need to convert it to the number of moles while doing a balanced equation problem. This conversion is done by using the formula n = m/M. Nowadays, chemists use a grams to moles converter to carry out these conversions. It saves time and provides accuracy during calculations. Grams to moles calculator is easy to use and simple.


What is a mole?

How to convert grams to moles?

Example to convert grams to moles.

Alan Walker

Alan Walker

Last Updated June 02, 2022

Studies mathematics sciences, and Technology. Tech geek and a content writer. Wikipedia addict who wants to know everything. Loves traveling, nature, reading. Math and Technology have done their part, and now it's the time for us to get benefits.